Upcoming Webinar

ABit Systems & eftsure – cybercrime and payment fraud

Thursday May 12, 2022 – 02:00PM – 02:30PM (WST)

If you can’t make it, register anyway. We’ll send you the recordings.

Accounts payable are constantly under siege. Remote working due to COVID-19 has further weakened IT and financial control environments, causing stress on staff and traditional payment processes. Using psychology as much as technology, cybercriminals infiltrate and weaponize either suppliers’ or your colleagues’ email accounts to defraud your business.

In this webinar, we look at how a decentralised approach to payment fraud can protect your business by:

  • Unpacking the most common scams targeting businesses.
  • Explaining how cybercriminals gain access to your vendor transactions.
  • Presenting ways to alleviate stress for your AP team and mitigate the risk of being defrauded.
  • Deconstructing how an Australian engineering firm was able to prevent a $1 million fraud attempt.
Mary Italiano
With an extensive background helping businesses assess and mitigate risk at PwC, I now assist organisations with preventing a range of cyber-threats, including invoice redirection scams and Business Email Compromise attacks, in my capacity as Eftsure's Business Development Manager for Western Australia.

The new security standard for business payments

Eftsure provides continuous control monitoring to protect your eft payments. Our multi-factor verification approach protects your organisation from financial loss due to cybercrime, fraud and error.