Cyber crime

What are PayPal Scams? Top scams to look out for in 2024

Bristol James
5 Min
PayPal scams to avoid 2024

PayPal scams are deceptive schemes that exploit the trust and convenience of the PayPal platform to defraud users. Essentially, in a PayPal scam, cybercriminals use many tactics to trick individuals and businesses into revealing sensitive information or transferring money under false pretenses via this platform.

Given the widespread use of PayPal for online transactions, understanding and recognizing these scams is crucial for protecting yourself and your business. Let’s dive into this article where we cover the top PayPal scams to look out for.

Understanding PayPal Scams

PayPal scams involve a range of fraudulent activities that exploit PayPal to steal money or personal information from users. Cybercriminals often use sophisticated methods, such as phishing emails, fake websites, and social engineering, to make their scams appear legitimate and trustworthy.

PayPal scams are effective because they exploit users’ trust in the platform and the urgency often associated with financial security issues. Scammers use professional-looking emails and websites to create a sense of legitimacy, making it difficult for users to distinguish between genuine communications from PayPal and fraudulent ones.

How do PayPal scams work?

Consider the case of Sarah, an avid online shopper who frequently uses PayPal for her transactions. One day, she receives an email that appears to be from PayPal informing her of suspicious activity on her account. The email tells her to click a link and log in to verify her account information to prevent it from being locked.

The email looks legitimate, complete with PayPal’s logo and familiar design elements. Concerned about her account security, Sarah clicks the link and is taken to a website that looks just like PayPal’s login page. She enters her username and password, only to be redirected to the actual PayPal website afterward.

What Sarah doesn’t know is that she’s just given her login credentials to scammers who created the fake website. Within minutes, the scammers access her PayPal account, change the password, and make several unauthorized transactions. When Sarah realizes what has happened, significant damage has already been done.

Understanding the different types of PayPal scams can keep you from falling victim to these deceptive schemes. Recognizing the red flags and verifying the authenticity of communications can help prevent financial loss and safeguard personal information.

Top PayPal Scams to Look Out For in 2024

As online transactions become more common, so do the schemes devised by scammers to exploit platforms like PayPal. Here are the top PayPal scams to be aware of in 2024:

  1. The “fake problem with your account” scam. Scammers send emails claiming there is an issue with your PayPal account that needs immediate attention. These emails often include a link to a fake PayPal login page designed to steal your credentials.
  2. Money waiting scams. You receive a notification that money is waiting for you in your PayPal account, but you must log in to claim it. The link leads to a fake site where your login details are captured.
  3. Hacked account warnings. You receive an urgent message claiming your PayPal account has been hacked. The message urges you to log in through a provided link to secure your account, which leads to a phishing site.
  4. Fake promotional offer scams. You might receive an email or message offering a too-good-to-be-true deal or discount via PayPal. Clicking the link may lead you to a phishing site or download malware onto your device.
  5. The “Friends & Family” PayPal scam. A scammer asks you to send money via PayPal’s “Friends & Family” option, which lacks the buyer protection of “Goods & Services” payments. Once sent, the money is gone for good.
  6. Payment pending scams. You receive a fake email stating that a payment is pending and will be completed once you provide a tracking number. The scammer then gets the item without paying.
  7. Locked or suspended account warnings. An email claims that your PayPal account is locked or suspended and asks you to log in to resolve the issue. The provided link leads to a fake site designed to steal your credentials.
  8. Advance payment scams. Scammers ask you to pay a fee upfront for a promised service or product, which never materializes. They disappear once they receive your payment.
  9. Shipping address scams. A buyer pays for an item and requests it to be shipped to a different address. They then claim they never received the item, leading to a chargeback, and you lose both the item and the payment.
  10. Overpayment scams. Scammers overpay for an item and ask for the excess amount to be refunded. The original payment turns out to be fraudulent or reversed, and you end up losing the money you refunded.
  11. Fake charities scam. Scammers solicit donations for fake charities, often following natural disasters or crises. They take advantage of your goodwill, and the donations go directly into their pockets.
  12. Bitcoin PayPal scams. Scammers promise to double your Bitcoin investment if you send them Bitcoin via PayPal. Once the Bitcoin is sent, the scammer disappears without a trace.
  13. Callback phishing emails. You receive an email asking you to call a number to resolve a PayPal issue. The scammers on the other end use social engineering tactics to extract sensitive information from you.
  14. Malicious fake PayPal invoice attachments. Scammers send an email with a malicious attachment posing as a PayPal invoice. Opening the attachment can install malware on your device or lead to phishing sites.
  15. Fake PayPal order confirmations. You receive an email confirming an order you never made. Panicking, you click the provided link to dispute the order, which leads to a phishing site that captures your login details.

Stay informed about these common PayPal to protect yourself from falling prey to fraudulent schemes. And remember: Always verify the authenticity of emails and notifications and avoid clicking on suspicious links.


  • PayPal scams are deceptive schemes exploiting PayPal’s trust and convenience to defraud users, often through phishing, fake websites, and social engineering tactics.
  • PayPal scams include fake account problems, fake promotional offers, money waiting scams, advance payment scams, and shipping address scams, among others.
  • Recognizing scam red flags is crucial, as scammers use professional-looking emails and websites to make their frauds appear legitimate and trustworthy.

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