Finance glossary

What are Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM)?

Bristol James
7 Min

A capital asset pricing model, known as CAPM, outlines the relationship between systematic risk and the expected return of the asset, explaining how capital asset prices are determined in the stock market based on market risk. CAPM is commonly applied to the stock market; however, it can be applied to any asset that is expected to generate a profit but comes with risks. This model focuses on an asset’s sensitivity to the market, also known as beta.

Investors and business owners utilize capital asset pricing models to determine if the upfront cost of an asset generates the necessary return with systematic risks in place. For example, a business owner might use CAPM to determine if a new piece of machinery generates the necessary revenue, while an individual in corporate finance might use the formula to evaluate an acquisition or stock market investment.

Understanding the Capital Asset Pricing Model

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a cornerstone of modern finance, providing a framework that helps investors understand the intricate relationship between risk and expected returns. This model is indispensable in corporate financial management, guiding investors in making informed decisions about their investments. By leveraging the CAPM, investors can evaluate whether the potential returns of an investment justify the risks involved, ensuring a balanced approach to portfolio management. The CAPM’s ability to quantify risk and predict expected returns makes it a powerful tool in the arsenal of any savvy investor.

Common Types of Systematic Risks

CAPM evaluates the impact of systematic risks on the future cash flows or profitability of an investment. In contrast to systematic risks, unsystematic risk is specific to individual companies and can be mitigated through diversification. Here are four of the main systematic risks that you might come across:

Interest Rate Risks

Interest rate risk is a risk created by increasing rates. For example, financing a machine at 5% versus 10% would yield different results.

Inflation Risks

Inflation risk is the risk of goods and services increasing, which erodes your buying power. Let’s say that your company has $100 to spend. If the purchase price of a stock jumps from $10 to $20, your purchasing power is cut in half.

Exchange Rate Risks

Exchange rate risk is a risk caused by fluctuations in currency values. For example, if you invest overseas, the value of your investment can change between the time you scope out and finalize the purchase.

Market Risk

Market risk is caused by a variety of factors, such as political and geographic events. For example, the recent pandemic caused investor uncertainty in the market, causing prices to drop.

Investors often balance risky assets with less risky ones to manage market risk effectively.

Key Components of the CAPM

The CAPM is built on three fundamental components: the Risk-Free Rate (RFR), the Market Risk Premium (MRP), and Beta (β). Each of these elements plays a crucial role in determining the expected return of an investment.

Risk-Free Rate (RFR)

The Risk-Free Rate (RFR) represents the return on an investment with zero risk, such as a U.S. Treasury bond. This rate serves as the baseline or minimum return that an investor expects from any investment, reflecting the opportunity cost of investing in a risk-free asset. In the context of the CAPM, the RFR is essential as it provides a benchmark against which the performance of other, riskier investments can be measured. By starting with the RFR, investors can then assess how much additional return they require to compensate for taking on more risk.

Market Risk Premium (MRP)

The Market Risk Premium (MRP) is the additional return that investors demand for taking on the inherent risks of the market, known as systematic risk. It is calculated as the difference between the expected return on the market portfolio and the risk-free rate. The MRP is a critical component of the CAPM because it quantifies the extra return required to entice investors to engage in risky investments rather than sticking with risk-free assets. Essentially, the MRP compensates investors for the uncertainties and potential fluctuations in the market, making it a vital factor in the asset pricing model.

Beta (β) and Systematic Risk

Beta (β) measures an asset’s sensitivity to market movements, indicating the level of systematic risk associated with that asset. A beta of 1 suggests that the asset’s returns move in tandem with the market, while a beta greater than 1 indicates higher volatility compared to the market. Conversely, a beta less than 1 implies lower volatility. Beta is crucial in the CAPM as it helps investors understand how much market risk they are exposed to with a particular investment. By incorporating beta into the CAPM formula, investors can gauge the expected return of an asset relative to its risk, enabling more informed investment decisions.

By comprehending these key components, investors can better navigate the complexities of the financial markets, making strategic choices that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals. The CAPM remains a powerful tool for evaluating potential investments and managing risk effectively.

CAPM Formula and Market Risk Premium

The CAPM formula is relatively straightforward. The first variable you need is the risk-free rate. This rate is the interest rate you could earn from little to no risk, such as the rate on a money market account. Although there’s no true risk-free rate, many investors use the rate on government bonds.

Next, you need to find beta. Beta is the measure of how volatile the investment is to systematic risk. Calculating this metric can be very complex, which is why many websites publish standardized betas. The higher the score, the riskier the stock is.

Finally, you will need the market risk premium to calculate CAPM. This number can generally be found by looking at historical data of the investment. Combining these factors gives us the following formula:

Expected Investment Return = Risk-Free Rate + (Beta x (Market Risk Premium – Risk-Free Rate))

Let’s go through an example. You are considering purchasing stock in XYZ Corp. The rate on government bonds is 4%, the beta is 1.2, and XYZ Corp has historically returned 10%. Your company requires an 11% return to accept an investment. This gives us the following equation.

Expected Investment Return = 4.0 + (1.2 x (10.0 – 4.0)) = 11.2%

Based on the CAPM formula, you would accept the investment since the return is greater than 11%.

The Advantages of Capital Asset Pricing Models

Using capital asset pricing models to make investment decisions can be advantageous. Let’s go through a few of the benefits you can leverage when using CAPM.

The Security Market Line (SML) is a crucial concept within CAPM, illustrating the relationship between a stock’s beta and its expected return. The SML helps investors assess risk and return, replacing the efficient frontier’s risk measure with beta.

Quantification of Systematic Risks

First, CAPM helps you quantify and measure systematic risks through beta. By applying a company’s market sensitivity to returns, you are able to assess the risks of an investment in relation to the overall market. For example, a company with a beta above one indicates more sensitivity and risk. If you are risk-adverse, you may want to avoid the investment altogether.

Benchmarking Expected Returns

CAPM gives you a baseline calculation to compare expected results to other investment options. Let’s say that your CAPM formula generates an expected return of 10%. The company also has a high beta. In conducting your research, you find an alternative company that only generates a return of 9%, but the beta is low. As a result, you may be justified in taking the lower return if you know the systematic risks are also lower.

Overall Portfolio Management

Managing a diversified portfolio can be challenging. CAPM gives you insight into different investment returns, helping you optimize your portfolio by selecting companies that align with your risk tolerance. For example, you might choose some investments with higher risk and offset them with low-risk holdings. It is also important to consider transaction costs, as the CAPM assumes zero transaction costs for effective diversification and elimination of idiosyncratic risk.

Consistency in Evaluation

Since the CAPM calculation is relatively straightforward, it generates consistency in evaluating potential investments. By keeping the risk-free rate constant, you can easily compare investments to find one that fits your risk tolerance and portfolio needs.

Limitations of CAPM

Capital asset pricing models are a great way to evaluate the potential return of an investment; however, this analysis method does come with limitations. For one, they don’t entirely predict future cash flows. For example, some companies increase their dividends each year. The CAPM formula doesn’t take increasing dividends and reinvestments into consideration. Additionally, the CAPM does not account for the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), which is crucial for determining the net present value (NPV) of future cash flows.

Additionally, a main component of the CAPM formula is the risk-free rate assumption. This rate won’t always accurately predict the risk-free rate, especially in periods of rising inflation and interest. Similarly, beta values can change over time. It’s difficult and time-consuming to try and develop an accurate beta value. Finally, CAPM assumes that the markets are always efficient. Sometimes, factors outside investor control can disrupt the market.


  • Capital asset pricing models outline the relationship between systematic risks and an investment’s expected return.
  • The CAPM formula involves a few different factors, including the company’s beta, the risk-free rate, and the market risk premium.
  • CAPM is advantageous to quantify systematic risks, benchmark expected returns, create a diversified portfolio, and develop consistent evaluations.
  • Capital asset pricing models have limitations since they can’t entirely predict future cash flows and rely on market efficiency.


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