
For a lot of businesses – including Lewis Land, historically – finance sits at a central, head-office level. This structure can work for smaller finance teams. But, for larger teams with multiple entities and assets, it can slow down transactions and heighten the risk of fraud.


Allenby made the decision to add Eftsure to the tech stack that already supported their AP function. With Eftsure in place, Allenby could not only avoid scrolling through a “bunch of numbers” and hoping that the processes had been followed, but he could identify inefficiencies in other processes. This gave him the opportunity to engage with the team in a more meaningful way and have more impactful data-driven discussions.


By having Eftsure’s software sitting over Lewis Lands’ banking system, Allenby has been able to get an easy and trustworthy snapshot of each payment, from each entity, and can make an informed decision on whether the payment is “good to go.”

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Eftsure provides continuous control monitoring to protect your eft payments. Our multi-factor verification approach protects your organisation from financial loss due to cybercrime, fraud and error.