Customer reviews

Trusted by leading finance and accounting executives

More than 2000 finance teams rely on Eftsure’s alerts to pay their suppliers securely, and this is what they have to say about their experience:

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 Without Eftsure, you’re asking a lot more questions about who you’re paying in that pay run.

Chris Allenby
CFO, Lewis Land

I sleep better at night knowing Eftsure is there. We pay million of dollar every week and you don’t need to be paying the wrong people.

Jim Snelgrove
Payroll & Account Services Manager - Georgiou

Implementing Eftsure has improved controls and cemented confidence in the integrity of our vendor data.

Lucy Baer
Group Financial Controller - Manildra Group

Cash is my number one priority. Shoulder to shoulder with cash is nobody inappropriately taking that cash, and that’s cyber risk.

Robert Thorpe
Managing Director, Allegro Funds

The new security standard for business payments

End-to-end B2B payment protection software to mitigate the risk of payment error, fraud and cyber-crime.