Who is Eftsure

Eftsure is Australia’s market leader in payment fraud prevention. Specifically designed for businesses, our end-to-end solution safeguards more than $120b in B2B payments per year. Our mission is to build a safer business community. With a large and continuously growing database of verified supplier details (the only one of its kind), we use multi-factor verification to give businesses greater knowledge and control over onboarding suppliers, receiving invoices and making payments. In short, we ensure our customers never pay the wrong people – and that your hard-earned payment doesn’t go to a fraudster instead. 
By completing our verification process, you’ll help minimise cybercrime and become part of a secure community 

The Verification Process

Our two-step verification process ensures you can be paid easily and securely. Firstly, you’ll be prompted to complete an online form. The information requested may differ from customer to customer.  

From here, you have two options for the second step of the verification process:  

  • Bank link. This allows you to select your relevant bank account details from your bank without you needing to enter in the bank account details manually.  You’ll be asked to log into your bank, which provides us with an instant verification of your bank account details if they are cross-matched against formal records from the Australian Business Register (ABR).  The direct bank link option uses Yodlee, who are  a global leader in data aggregation, data analytics and consumer-permissioned financial data sharing. Yodlee are also formally accredited for Open Banking by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) to provide Consumer Data Rights (CDR) data. As part of the Yodlee solution, the Supplier logs into the banking portal via Yodlee (or directly into their bank through Open Banking where supported) where user credentials are not saved or stored. This process is also external and not visible to Eftsure where we only receive the nominated account details after the supplier has selected the account to verify.
  • Phone call. One of our verification analysts will contact you and undertake an initial screening validation process related to information on the submitted online form for legitimacy and security. The fraud verification analysts will then complete a two way, interactive account number verification process in order to verify the account number, as well as the routing number, account name and EIN.  

Frequently Asked Questions

To ensure the authenticity of the call, you will be quoted the 4-digit reference number that was provided when you completed the online form. Our verification expert will then verbally provide you with the last 3 digits of the account number, and ask you to confirm the remaining digits, BSB, bank account name, and ABN.

Below are the only phone numbers we use for verification purposes:

Global: 02 9054 4851

NSW/ACT 02 7908 5597

VIC/TAS 03 7068 9020 & 03 9917 3846

WA/SA/NT 08 6388 0080 & 08 6219 8254

QLD 07 2113 8441 & 07 3497 3262

New Zealand +64 9801 8276

UK +44 20 8054 7400

USA +1 833 903 2230

Canada +1 778 312 2900

Banks don’t match BSBs and Account Numbers to Account Names when making payments.

Cybercriminals often intercept emails between suppliers and their customers (or just email customers directly) and claim the bank details for the supplier have changed (or even change it on legitimate invoices). This is often done without your knowledge. As a result, it is possible for hackers, fraudsters or malicious insiders to change the bank details your customers have on file for you, and route payments intended for you to themselves.

In order to protect your revenue, Australian businesses use Eftsure software to validate all their suppliers’ bank account details and ensure the details they have on file for you are correct.

This one-off verification ensures that payments made to your organisation indeed reach your bank account.

Your customer has authorised Eftsure to perform supplier verification on their behalf. This process reaches out to all of your customer’s suppliers, is a procedural request, and is not related to a specific invoice or payment. Should you wish to further validate the legitimacy of this request, contact the account department of your customer directly.

Cybercriminals often intercept emails between suppliers and their customers (or just email customers directly) and claim the bank details for the supplier have changed (or change it on legitimate invoices). This is often done without the supplier’s knowledge. Banks don’t match payee names with BSB and account numbers. Sometimes, bank account and BSB numbers can be entered incorrectly or, worse, can be changed by cybercriminals. This results in delayed, lost or stolen payments.

By verifying your details with Eftsure, your customers are being assured your details are correct. This allows them to pay you the right amount.

At Eftsure, we take the security of our verification process seriously. As an additional step to ensure the legitimacy of the supplier, we independently source a phone number to contact them in case their mailbox has been compromised. Once we have obtained the phone number, one of our experienced verification experts will personally reach out to you to verify your details over the phone. To ensure the authenticity of the call, you will be quoted the 4-digit reference number that was provided when you completed the online form. Our verification expert will then verbally provide you with the last 3 digits of the account number, and ask you to confirm the remaining digits, BSB, bank account name, and ABN.

Below are the only phone numbers we use for verification purposes:
Global: 02 9054 4851
NSW/ACT 02 7908 5597
VIC/TAS 03 7068 9020 & 03 9917 3846
WA/SA/NT 08 6388 0080 & 08 6219 8254
QLD 07 2113 8441 & 07 3497 3262

New Zealand +64 9801 8276
UK +44 20 8054 7400
USA +1 833 903 2230
Canada +1 778 312 2900

Below are the only phone numbers we use for verification purposes:
Global: 02 9054 4851
NSW/ACT 02 7908 5597
VIC/TAS 03 7068 9020 & 03 9917 3846
WA/SA/NT 08 6388 0080 & 08 6219 8254
QLD 07 2113 8441 & 07 3497 3262

New Zealand +64 9801 8276
UK +44 20 8054 7400
USA +1 833 903 2230
Canada +1 778 312 2900

No, there is no charge for suppliers to be verified by Eftsure.

Eftsure is a Know Your Payee (KYP) software solution. The cloud-based software solution protects outgoing B2B payments from crime, fraud and error. For more information visit the homepage: eftsure.com

Eftsure is Australia’s largest independent network of verified business and bank details. Eftsure is safeguarding payments worth over 11.5 billion AUD per month to 3.1 million Australian businesses. Eftsure’s customer base includes some of Australia’s largest organisations, including 7-eleven, Laing O’ Rourke, Bega, Alfred Health and Griffith University.

Eftsure follows best practices in securing the system and the data it holds. It has been vetted by numerous organisations and is regularly audited and independently tested by specialist external security external experts, including (but not limited to) Security In Depth, Pure Security and a major Australian bank.

Eftsure’s unique solution is currently the only way to match bank account details with the right business details. This supports businesses from all sizes to protect their vendor payments. If you are interested in becoming a customer, please contact our sales team or request a demonstration.

The new security standard for business payments

End-to-end B2B payment protection software to mitigate the risk of payment error, fraud and cyber-crime.